Antioxidants you didnt know you were having!

Coffee: Your morning caffeine hit is a valuable source of disease-fighting antioxidants

Red wine: Your evening glass of red contains several antioxidants beneficial to good health

Dark chocolate: Eating dark chocolate can boost the level of heart-protecting antioxidants in the blood

Tea: Green and black (they both come from the same bush). For best sffect, drink without milk.

*I found these facts in Family Health Diary (March/April 2007), New Zealand.

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Step 1. Cleanse!

Firstly, we have to clean our body. A dirty or toxic body is like a garbage bag, it does nothing except rotten from inside. According to many herbs men, cleaning can be done through flushing out dirt from our intestine. Our intestine traps dirt after several years of working hard processing food that we eat. These cleaning process usually known as detoxification. After detoxification our intestine is clean and it will work effectively and efficiently.

Step 2. Nourish!

Then, we should feed the clean intestine with good food. Good food includes fruits and vegetables, cereals, meats and dairy products. These food provide our body with carbohydrate, protein, vitamins and minerals. A suitable amount of the good stuffs nourishes our body. Feeding a body with bad things such as junk food, alcohol etc is clearly means doing harm to our body, we cant enjoy a good health this way.

Step 3. Enjoy!*

When our efficient and effective intestine has absorb nutrients from the good food, the nutrients will go into our heart, brain, and other vital organs. These organs then have no choice except perform greatly. We then enjoy a good health!