Black Pepper – 5 Health Benefits!

Black pepper – it makes all food taste better but it is not that simple. THIS GREAT SPICE HAS AT LEAST 5 HEALTH BENEFITS! Do you have black pepper on your dining table? Add it to your pizza, fried rice and many more and their taste would turn to great to your taste buds. A little bit of introduction – black pepper comes from the process of drying the unripe pepper fruit, and remove the black pepper skin you will get white pepper.

Health benefits of black pepper:

1. Improve digestion – When you take black pepper it would stimulate the taste buds to send signal to stomach to release more hydrochloric acid. This acid is important to digest food, especially protein rich food, efficiently and effectively.

2. Anti-oxidant – Black pepper is a good source of Vitamin A and C. So, it is a potent anti-oxidant and thus protects one from dangerous diseases including cancer.

3. Relief cough and cold – Ayurveda practitioners are known to add pepper into tonic for cough and cold.

4. Prevent tooth decay and toothache – No reasons found but many online sources quoted this health benefit.

5. Others - Black pepper is rich with diaphoretic (promotes sweating), and diuretic (promotes urination) properties.

Health is our most precious asset. Taking care of health is a necessity rather than an option. It is not necessary costly to maintain good health – adding spices to our food is one cheap and simple approach. What a beautiful spice black pepper is as it is good for our health and tastes great at the same time. Time to get a good black pepper grinder

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Step 1. Cleanse!

Firstly, we have to clean our body. A dirty or toxic body is like a garbage bag, it does nothing except rotten from inside. According to many herbs men, cleaning can be done through flushing out dirt from our intestine. Our intestine traps dirt after several years of working hard processing food that we eat. These cleaning process usually known as detoxification. After detoxification our intestine is clean and it will work effectively and efficiently.

Step 2. Nourish!

Then, we should feed the clean intestine with good food. Good food includes fruits and vegetables, cereals, meats and dairy products. These food provide our body with carbohydrate, protein, vitamins and minerals. A suitable amount of the good stuffs nourishes our body. Feeding a body with bad things such as junk food, alcohol etc is clearly means doing harm to our body, we cant enjoy a good health this way.

Step 3. Enjoy!*

When our efficient and effective intestine has absorb nutrients from the good food, the nutrients will go into our heart, brain, and other vital organs. These organs then have no choice except perform greatly. We then enjoy a good health!