Black Pepper – 5 Health Benefits!
Health benefits of black pepper:
1. Improve digestion – When you take black pepper it would stimulate the taste buds to send signal to stomach to release more hydrochloric acid. This acid is important to digest food, especially protein rich food, efficiently and effectively.
2. Anti-oxidant – Black pepper is a good source of Vitamin A and C. So, it is a potent anti-oxidant and thus protects one from dangerous diseases including cancer.
3. Relief cough and cold – Ayurveda practitioners are known to add pepper into tonic for cough and cold.
4. Prevent tooth decay and toothache – No reasons found but many online sources quoted this health benefit.
5. Others - Black pepper is rich with diaphoretic (promotes sweating), and diuretic (promotes urination) properties.
Health is our most precious asset. Taking care of health is a necessity rather than an option. It is not necessary costly to maintain good health – adding spices to our food is one cheap and simple approach. What a beautiful spice black pepper is as it is good for our health and tastes great at the same time. Time to get a good black pepper grinder
Magnetic Aura – 5 Health Facts!

Lucky, even if you are from US, UK, Canada or Australia you can get Magnetic Aura and other form of magnetic therapy application for health in Internet stores everywhere
People’s stories often mix with expectation, rumours and even fantasy. When want to make decision about something salient like our health then the better option is to rely on facts. Five facts about Magnetic Aura:
1. Magnetic Aura that is reviewed here is magnetic oil made in Malaysia (picture). It is an application of magnetic therapy (an alternative medicine).
2. The ingredients of Magnetic Aura are - sunflower oil 90%, magnetic water 5% and alcohol free perfume 5%.
3. The basic way to use this magnetic oil is to rub it into the wrist pulse point and the pulse point in the neck.
4. The major benefit of using this magnetic oil is better blood circulation. The blood would carry oxygen, nutrients and hormones to every organ and tissue efficiently and effectively. Better health is the end result than one can expect (in facts hundreds of testimonials has been recorded in videos).
5. There is also Magnetic Aura soap. It combines the benefits of magnetic water with herbs. It mainly `helps to improve skin condition.
My personal experience is very positive. I have faith in this product the very first time I saw a person promoted it. But I decided to get one two years later. One day after very sick of migraine I decided to use Magnetic Aura according to the way suggested by the manufacturer. Plus I rubbed the oil to my temple, and did this at least twice a day. It is like magic the migraine eases almost immediately. I almost fully recovered a week after.
It is the magnetic water that does the miracle. It is not a new therapy but had been practiced in many countries for years. Magnetic bracelet, necklace, ring and even shoe insoles are other magnetic therapy devices. Magnetic Aura is the one brand that I used, other brands are out there everywhere
How to Make Money from Health?
If you have health problem a wise option to take is to not to despair. Even a doctor would ask you take positive side of it. Many people with health problem cured and make a fortune from the bad experience. Some of what they have done are follows:
1. Blog about it. It’s like a diary, an online diary. Share your sorrow, disappointment and more importantly your discovery. You may found a cure or at least something that can lessen the sickness and you can share it with others via blog. And know what; with a right technique you can make good money from blogging.
2. Write book about it. If you had diabetes then you can write about it. Things to cover include preventive action, exercise for diabetics, food for diabetics, diet, natural medicine and where to get help. An e-book is even easier and cheaper to publish (and more profitable).
3. Promote and sell supplement that can help to solve your problem. Maybe you cannot sell medicine because you are not a doctor. You may found that certain product is very helpful then you can sell it to others if you can get commission from it. If the medicine is available in Amazon then joint Amazon Associates and sell the item online. You can get up to 8% commission from each sale.
4. Talk about it. How to make money from health? You ask. When you master everything about a particular disease then you can give talk. I heard a person who got depression many years ago now become a great motivator (the author of ‘Awaken the Giant Within’). He is a living example of the effectiveness of his method to tackle depression!
5. Take medical insurance or takaful early. This is not a good thing to say but it is true. Take medical insurance ASAP for that you will get money when you sick. In Malaysia they have medical takaful as an alternative.
You can sit and think and doing nothing about your health problem and feel sorry to what had happened. This kind of attitude would make you feel bad and it would get worse and worse. Or you can make money from your health problem, do it now
Garden of Life Omega-Zyme for Health!

Garden of Life Omega-Zyme - A well known brand, a well known supplement. WONDER IF IT WORKS? Most of the supplements are good on TV than in reality. They used beautiful and/or strong models as what they called as 'celebrity users' and told everybody the best thing in the world about the supplement.
However, Omegazyme by the Garden of Life is the best of its kind in the market. Plus, we are very lucky in this Internet era whether a person is in US, UK, Canada or China he can get Garden of Life Omega-Zyme at deep discount in online stores everywhere
Garden of Life Omega-Zyme is super food enzyme that would help one's digestive system. Your body produce digestive enzyme but because of certain reasons particularly the hectic modern lifestyle, the body needs the help of food enzyme to digest food that you eat effeciently. Efficient digestion is the key to excellent health.
This supplement is 100% vegetable base so the manufacturer suggests that it is suitable for vegetarian. There are two forms of delivery for this Garden of Life Omega-Zyme - caplets and powder. Caplets are easy to take but powder looks very 'tummy-friendly'.
The most influential man said that poor digestive system is the main cause of diseases. You experience this in your daily life - when you do not go to toilet and flush the dirt for several days your head pounding and your body would feel sick. Let this happen again and again then you would end up on hospital bed. So, to do the right thing is to take Garden of Life Omega-Zyme
Coklat Minda – 5 Health Facts!

Coklat Minda – Suddently all the best facts in the world are associated with this brain supplement. WATCH OUT, NOT ALL OF THEM ARE TRUE! You may hear the good news from Malaysia, friends or neighbours. The worst case scenario is you hear good things about Coklat Minda from the salespersons; you know they would not tell anything but to sell this supplement to you.
Very lucky, this Internet makes possible, whether you are from US, UK, Australia or Malaysia you can get ‘brain supplement’ at good price in online stores everywhere
Not all good things about Coklat Minda are untrue. I read positive testimonials plus I heard first hand comments by the very person who take this supplement. For children, this supplement increases their ability to learn. It seems that after taking Coklat Minda children have more energy to read and to absorb knowledge; no more sleep in class or on the way to school. Their examination results improved. Adults report positive result too.
Here are the 5 health facts:
1. Coklat Minda is a supplement rather than medicine.
2. The manufacturer claims that the main ingredient is chocolate.
3. It seems that gotu kola the main cause of any improvement in brain function.
4. Horse milk is added in the manufacturing of this supplement even though goat milk
is maybe a better option.
5. No reported negative side effects at the time this review is written.
Supplement for brain function and health is very important. Every individual needs top intellectual function everyday. Kids need it to perform their best in school, adults need it to do their best at their job and elderly need it badly to stay alert. No matter how good you look and how athletic your shape you need brain supplement. Coklat Minda or not you have to act now
Oral Health - Must Know Info!
Very young children should drink a bit of plain water with or after each meal. For what? One of the reason is to clean the mouth after the food . And this is among the earliest training to maintain good oral health (told my nurse).
For adults, oral health maintenance should include brushing teeth and flossing. Brushing teeth would scare no one. It is easy, cheap and almost painless. Flossing on the other hand is a different story. If not becareful you would deal with blood and pain.
However, flossing is very nice with Waterpik Ultra Dental Water Jet WP-100 Toothbrush. It is flossing your teeth using water. Water would not hurt anybody and it is cool. Dental water jet by Waterpik is the best in the market.
With Internet to get anything including info about oral health is possible. You do not have to walk for miles but things are just at finger tips. Whether you are in US, UK, China or India dental water jet for oral health is sold in online stores everywhere
Liposomal Vitamin C Effect on Health!
1. Liposomal Vitamin C is a liquid vitamin c. To be exact this vitamin c is liposome-coated vitamin c. Each liposome has a diameter of around 300 to 400 nanometers so that our body can absorb the vitamin c effortlessly.
2. The most sought after brand is the Lypo Spheric Vitamin C:
3. It is tasteless so that you can take it as it is or add it to your favorite juice without any significant change in taste. Plus, unlike typical tablet vitamin c it would not cause stomach upset.
The benefits of vitamin c in general is no need for an explanation. For enhance antibody, prevent general health problem, and topical vitamin c is a new and very effective skin care regime. You are from US, UK, Canada or Australia or anywhere in the world you are lucky because with this Internet Liposomal Vitamin C is sold at discount in online stores everywhere
5 Health Benefit of Potato
Health benefit of potato is fact that everyone should know because it is our main menu on the table almost everyday. For your information potato is the fourth most consume food in the most, after rice, wheat and maize. People love potato, in many parts of Asia they add potato to chicken curry and most of the time the ‘fruit’ is tastier then the meat.
Here are 5 health facts about potato (according to many sources in the Internet):
1. Fresh potato from farm in average contains 20 percent dry matter plus 80 percent water. And 60 to 80 percent of the dry matter is starch or scientifically called carbohydrate.
2. A significant portion of the starch in one potato is resistant to digestive process and thus very similar in nature with fibre and share similar health benefit with it.
3. Potato taken with skin is more nutritious compared to peeled potato.
4. The highest vitamin in potato is Vitamin C (28% of potato with skin) and the highest mineral is potassium (26% of potato with skin).
5. The way one cook the potato determines the level of nutrient left in potato.
If you love potato then you are not alone. One simple example is potato is served in every McDonald meal, like it or not millions of people whether they are in US, UK, Canada or Australia eat it. To prepare your favorite potato recipe you need best potato chip slicer and electric potato peeler. Lucky, with this Internet health information are everywhere
Breast Health - 3 Cancer Facts!
For women, breast cancer is the words that her ears do not want to hear. It is a total disaster, one may fall flat on the floor upon hearing about this nasty disease. However, the great modern medication offers hope. The facts, according to a trusted encyclopedia, are breast cancer treatment comes in 3 main forms:
1. Surgery - Depending on the stage of the cancer a surgery may involve removal of small part, a quarter or the whole breast. Reconstruction of breast is possible with the advancement in cosmetic surgery.
2. Medication is another way to treat breast cancer. Three kinds of medications are - hormone blocking therapy, chemotherapy and monoclonal antibodies.
3. Radiation - a typical method to destroy tumor left after breast cancer surgery.
Treatments are available but they are not a nice idea, refer Books on Breast Cancer for more. The better way is to maintain good breast health; afterall, it is said that 'prevention is better than cure'. Avoid alcohol and conduct self-checking regularly and see your doctor when you detect something strange. Whether you are in US, UK, Canada or New Zealand you are lucky because with this Internet info about breast health are everywhere
Cure for Diabetes - 1 Option!
Diabetes catches a person slowly and painlessly but once it gets the person it can be permanent. My father got diabetes; for the first five years things are under control. In year 5 Metformin does not work anymore and my father got sore legs as a complement. Now, he is on bed most of the time as his body becomes very weak.
Doctors say there is no cure for diabetes. He has to say so because researchers in university and pharmaceutical companies do not discover any. But, I have found several persons who are recovered from diabetes. One of them took noni juice for one and a half year plus a lot of prayers.
Whether you are in US, UK, Canada or Australia you are lucky because unlike twenty years ago you have Internet. Imagine our father has to travel very far to hear doctor's advice but we can the same thing at the comfort of our ipad. Suffer a lot less as helps and information about cure for diabetes are everywhere
Vitamin C Can Cure!
Vitamin C can 'cure' many serious health issues. What useful to you most is probably how this vitamin could help people who are stress. Stress, you can say it as - you cannot live with it and you cannot live without it. Too much stress would cause
your body to produce excessive adrenalin and this makes your body become weaker and weaker in the long term.
And, a little bit of stress is nice because it would push you to work harder and achieve more in your career. Vitamin C can help people with stress i.e. it is one of many Benefits of Vitamin C.
Two facts that you should know about Vitamin C are: (1) studies on the effect of Vitamin C on health typically refers to the benefit of vitamin c supplement not natural vitamin c that you can get from fruits and vegetables. (2) Most sought after and probably most effective Vitamin C in the market is the Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C
Electric Blanket and Your Health!
What about electric blanket? One obvious fact about electric blanket is like other items that use electric it emits electric magnetic field. It is no joke but according to an Internet source at least one academic study found that electric blanket is associated with miscarriages and childhood leukaemia. Specifically, it was the academic work of Dr. Nancy Wertheimer and Ed Leeper.
However, electric blanket and electric mattress pad also have health benefits. Applying heat directly to muscle increases blood circulation. This would lead to better flow of nutrients to the muscle and also could induce muscle relaxation. People who experience back pain may feel the real health benefit of using electric blanket. One version of Sunbeam Electric Blanket called therapeutic electric mattress pad is specifically design for health purpose.
Whether you are in US, UK, Canada or Australia you are lucky because to get resource about electric blanket and health involves nothing more that several minutes at the comfort of your own place. Also, electric blankets are sold at deep discount in online stores. With this Internet, information about health are everywhere